Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Space. Show all posts

Monday, 23 September 2013

Johann Franz Encke

Johann Franz Encke was a German astronomer.  He was born on September 23, 1791, he worked on the calculation of the periods of comets and asteroids, measured the distance from the earth to the sun, and made observations of the planet Saturn. He died on August 26, 1865.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

First satellite that North Korea attempted to launch

Kwangmyongsong-1 or Gwangmyeongseong-1 was a satellite allegedly launched by North Korea on 31 August 1998. It was the first satellite to be launched as part of the Kwangmyongsong program, and the first satellite that North Korea attempted to launch.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Mars made its closest approach to Earth

Mars made its closest approach to Earth and maximum apparent brightness in nearly 60,000 years, 55,758,006 km (0.372719 AU), magnitude −2.88, on 27 August 2003 . This occurred when Mars was one day from opposition and about three days from its perihelion, making Mars particularly easy to see from Earth. The last time it came so close is estimated to have been on September 12, 57 617 BC, the next time being in 2287. source

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Excluded Pluto

Pluto is the second-most-massive known dwarf planet in the Solar System after Eris. On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) defined what it means to be a "planet" within the Solar System. This definition excluded Pluto as a planet and added it as a member of the new category "dwarf planet" along with Eris and Ceres. After the reclassification, Pluto was added to the list of minor planets and given the number 134340.